Legislation and governance
Employment Equity Act

Employment Equity Act

The purpose of the Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998 is to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through elimination of unfair discrimination and implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups, in order to ensure equitable representation in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce.

This Act provides for additional reporting requirements employers with the additional burden of submitting an Employment Equity Report.

All designated employers must, in terms of Section 21 of the Employment Equity Act of 1998 submit their annual report annually. Reports cannot be submitted via e-mail or fax.

The Department of Labour has also launched an Employment Equity Online Reporting System where reports can be submitted electronically. To complete the online report, please visit the Department of Labour's website and register for the on-line reporting.