Introduction to SAICA

SAICA is at the forefront of developing, influencing and leading the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence in the delivery of quality accountancy skills. This is achieved by safeguarding the professional standards of the designations on offer; advancing and maintaining the relevance of the profession; and by regulating the members’ and associates’ professional conduct against the SAICA Code.

Our history

Since the founding of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) in 1980, much has transpired for the profession worldwide. SAICA was already functioning and influencing major changes to the profession in the mid-1990s when a united South Africa emerged under Nelson Mandela as president.

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Governance structure and disciplinary process

Read more about SAICA’s disciplinary processes, hearings and outcomes as well as legal documents, including the SAICA Code of Professional Conduct, the SAICA Constitution and the SAICA by-laws, as well as information on how to lodge a complaint.

About SAICA governance

Operational information


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SAICA Compliance certificates and bank letters

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