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Empowering South Africa’s Youth: Over 3350 learners to attend the SAICA FASSET Development Camps this month
More than 3350 high school learners will attend the FASSET SAICA Development Camps across South Africa’s nine provinces this youth month to harness their academic potential and achieve the results needed to pursue careers in high-demand professions.
The curious case of costing the NHI
Johannesburg, Tuesday, 4 June 2024 - While the President has signed the National Health Insurance (NHI) into law, the bean counters at National Treasury have yet to start looking for their excel sheets needed to ensure the NHI is fully costed. SAICA’s Executive for Taxation, Pieter Faber, provides clarity on why funding the NHI has been so elusive.
SAICA congratulates new board members of the Accounting Standards Board
The Accounting Standards Board (ASB) recently announced its new board members, tasked with serving the public interest by setting Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) that promote accountability, transparency, and effective financial management within all spheres of government.