26 September 2024

South Africans Down Under Take Centre Stage at SAICA’s Australia Awards

Johannesburg, 26 September 2024 - Having recognised the exceptional talent abroad, the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) has stepped up to honour those making remarkable contributions beyond our borders, extending recognition to talents across various fields—not just accounting.

The inaugural SAICA South African in Australia Awards recognise the exceptional contributions of individuals who have made the move Down Under, celebrating their professional achievements, philanthropic efforts, and community impact. The winners were unveiled at a prestigious event held on 25 September, in Sydney.

Emphasising the importance of these awards in recognising South Africans abroad, Patricia Stock, CEO of SAICA said “It is truly inspiring to witness the incredible contributions South Africans are making across various sectors and industries here in Australia. Choosing Australia was an obvious choice, - the country has long been a favoured destination for skilled South Africans and has warmly welcomed thousands over the years. At SAICA, we are committed to fostering a brighter global future, and these finalists not only embody the spirit of South Africa but also advocate for a better world for everyone. By celebrating excellence across multiple industries, SAICA reinforces that true talent knows no boundaries."

The judging panel comprised reputable and well-respected South Africans, which included Carol Bouwer, Stephen Koseff, Sisonke Msimang, Farhad Khan, Amri Theron, Mark Esterhuizen, Pondo Belot, Azhar Panchbhai, Jonathan Young, Ashleigh Buhai and Kerryn Kohl.

Recognising South African Excellence in Australia

This year's South Africans in Australia Awards not only recognised individual achievements but also sought to inspire future generations of South Africans, both locally and globally. The 2024 awards broadened their scope beyond the accounting profession to honour those born in South Africa who have since immigrated to Australia, highlighting the exceptional talent of South Africans across a wide range of industries.

This year’s winners included:

Academic Excellence: Dr. Bomikazi Zeka, Associate Professor at the University of Canberra, recognised for her research on economic inequality and marginalised groups.

Arts and Culture: Claire Jankelson, Director of the South African Film Festival in Australia/New Zealand, for promoting South African content and raising funds for disadvantaged communities in South Africa and Australia.

Community Champion: Ronni Kahn AO, founder of OzHarvest, honoured for her impact in food rescue and environmental sustainability.

Entrepreneur: David Shein, Partner at Our Innovation Fund (OIF), for his leadership in venture capital supporting high-growth businesses.

Innovation and Technology: Sheryl Frame, CEO of Liquim Limited, for her contributions to commercialising innovative technologies and empowering female entrepreneurs.

Outstanding Professional: Dr. Manny Pohl AM, Chairman of EC Pohl & Co., for his achievements in finance and philanthropy.

Social Impact: Janine Wood, co-founder of No Limits Perth, for her dedication to supporting vulnerable communities.

Ubuntu Award: Margaret Dreyer, Senior Partner at Deloitte, for her commitment to diversity, inclusion, and wellbeing in the workplace.

#DifferenceMaker Award (CAs(SA) only): Gerhard Beukes, Co-Founder and CEO of HiveQ, for his leadership in expanding Nearmap and contributing to its billion-dollar market cap.

CEO Award: Manana Johnson, South African brand ambassador, for her embodiment of diverse qualities in the areas of community building, Ubuntu, social impact and youth engagement.

The next phase of the SAICA Awards will culminate in an impressive awards show held in Gauteng in November, where winners of the Trainee Trailblazer, Top 35 Under 35, and Chairmans awards will be announced.

For more information about the SAICA Awards, please visit: https://www.saica.org.za/initiatives/awards-and-competitions/saica-awards


The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), South Africa’s pre-eminent accountancy body, is recognised as the world’s leading accounting institute and is home to the leading CA designation in the world The Institute provides a wide range of support services to more than 60 000 members and associates who are chartered accountants (CAs[SA]), as well as associate general accountants (AGAs[SA]) and accounting technicians (ATs[SA]), who hold positions as CEOs, MDs, board directors, business owners, chief financial officers, auditors and leaders in every sphere of commerce and industry, and who play a significant role in the nation’s highly dynamic business sector and economic development.

SAICA is a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), a global family that connects over 1,8 million fellow Chartered Accountants and students in more than 190 countries. Together, we support, develop, and promote the role of Chartered Accountants as trusted business leaders, difference makers, and advisers.

SAICA Media Contacts

Kgauhelo Dioka,
Project Manager: Communications
SAICA Brand Division

Renette Human,
Project Director: Communications
SAICA Brand Division