News › Press release
Over 2 000 learners will boost academic performance during the holidays
Johannesburg, Tuesday 19 June 2018 – The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) hosts annual development camps that further learners’ social and career development, and harness their potential to produce the quality pass rates needed to study towards one of the country’s professions of high demand, also known as scarce-skills professions. This July holiday, over 2 000 learners from all over the country have been invited to attend these camps.
Don’t Let Mathematical Literacy Count against Your Child
Johannesburg, 15 May 2018 - When it comes to choosing your school subjects, the reality is many learners and perhaps parents do not understand the importance of the choice or the difference between mathematical literacy and mathematics. But pick the wrong one and the consequences for your child’s future can be disastrous.

Matrics: Chartered Accountancy Bursaries for 2019 are Up for Grabs
Johannesburg, Monday 23 April 2018 – If you’re in matric and dream about becoming a chartered accountant, you have until 31 August 2018 to apply for one of 300 Thuthuka bursaries up for grabs for those who will start their university studies in 2019.