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Microlearnings from CAs(SA) over 40
Anisah Patel, 44-year-old CA(SA), started her CA(SA) journey at the age of 29, which is 10 years later than the norm. Today, she is the owner of her own practice in Vereeniging that offers accounting, taxation and advisory services. She never gave up and was not afraid to take calculated risks!
A winning step in gender equality
Driven small-business owner Devaksha Maharaj shares her story on how she was selected to join the Energy Sector Gender Ministerial Advisory Council last year as part of the Women Empowerment and Gender Equality (WEGE) Strategy implementation plan
Circumstances do not limit your ability to dream
‘I may be in the business of understanding numbers, but these are not ordinary numbers. These numbers help to tell the story of how public entities are meeting the needs and aspirations of people in the country. This is what drives me every day,’ says Bongi Ngoma, former AGSA CFO and current national Head of Audit