Profession’s transformation and growth
My institute plays an active role in the profession’s transformation and growth by being an example of value creation for me and the country through project that grow the pipeline of future business leaders and provide decent and meaningful opportunities for disenfranchised South Africans.
Among South Africa’s top three areas of concern are the lack of access to quality education to all, extreme poverty and unemployment, particularly in the youth demographic, and the ever-growing inequality gap that exists between our citizens.
Through SAICA’s Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund (and its Thuthuka Bursary) SAICA exemplifies the concept of value creation for our members and the country by focusing its efforts on projects that seek to:
- grow the pipeline of future accountants,
- support the transformation of the profession and the country, and
- provide decent and meaningful opportunities and services for disenfranchised South Africans.
The role of The Hope Factory and SAICA Enterprise Development, on the other hand, is to play an active role in economic transformation in South Africa through advancing the sustainable growth of entrepreneurial Black-owned businesses by delivering pertinent Socio-Economic Development (SED) programmes, Enterprise and Supplier (ESD) programmes and customised projects that result in mobilising economic activity for unemployed black South African citizens with the help of SAICA members.