CPD FAQsGeneralGuidance on changing web browserWhat changed in the revised CPD policy?The new SAICA output based CPD processWhat are the transitional arrangements from moving from input based to output based in terms of one’s CPD cycle?Why has the CPD policy been revised?Why did SAICA change from an optional input or output based approach to a purely output based approach?How do I provide evidence of CPD?What is the CA Pathways to Relevance (CAPtR)?How does one reflect on one’s ethical behaviour?Policy requirements - membersI am on a career break, am I exempt from CPD? I do not plan on going back to work for a few years.If I am a retiree, with no professional obligations, but want to remain a SAICA member, can I be exempt from CPD?I’m currently unemployed, however I don’t know what job I might end up in. What specific learning interventions should I undertake?What am I required to do in respect of CPD if I am a tax practitioner? Will complying with SAICA’s policy be sufficient?I am a registered auditor (RA) with IRBA? Will complying with SAICA’s policy be sufficient?Reflective learning planDo I have to use the SAICA reflective learning plan template? What are the minimum requirements SAICA would like to see on the member’s/associate’s reflective learning plan?If I document the following, will it be sufficient? Identify and record what training I would like to do AND record when I would like to do the trainingWhat format is required when I document my reflective learning plan?How many competencies should I list on my reflective learning plan? Does SAICA have a minimum number of competencies that should be listed?Will there be compulsory competencies that I have to address on my plan? For example, Ethics or NOCLAR?Can I draft a 3 to 5 year plan? If so, what are my annual obligations to SAICA?How long are members/associates required to keep a copy of their reflective learning plan?Am I required to submit my reflective learning plan every year to SAICA?What if circumstances change during the year and have to change my plan, for example I change jobs and my responsibilities may change?What has changed in the CPD policy which need to be reflected on in reflective learning plans in the relevant monitoring period?Learning interventionsWhat entails learning interventions?If I don’t do any formal or verifiable learning interventions, for example I only do self-study (YouTube videos and self-research and reading), will that be acceptable?Do I need to record why I want to do the training?I have undertaken learning activities that I have not planned. Is this fine and how do I record this?MonitoringHow will I know if I have been selected for monitoring?If I am selected for monitoring by SAICA, what documentation am I required to submit?How will SAICA undertake the monitoring process?Am I required to retain or submit evidence of attendance at events?If I get the plan wrong when I am monitored by SAICA, will I get an opportunity to correct it before I get penalised and will SAICA provide me with guidance as to where I went wrong?What constitutes verifiable CPD for Tax Practitioner purposes?Support from SAICAHow will SAICA support members/associates to be compliant?Can I send SAICA my reflective learning plan for review and get assistance with areas that I’m lacking on my plan?CPD support servicesWill SAICA provide support to its members to ensure they fully understand what is expected of them in respect of the compulsory Ethics reflection?Compliance and non-complianceWill I get penalised if I don’t achieve the training by the proposed date on my reflective learning plan?What does non-compliance with the CPD policy entail?