Mhlengi Tenza (31)
Mhlengi Tenza CA(SA) comes from a small village outside the town of Ixopo in KwaZulu-Natal where he grew up herding his father’s cattle. He attended the local primary school before going to Inkamana High School where he matriculated and was both the hostel and the school head boy. After completing his training at Deloitte in 2018, he joined the Deloitte Johannesburg office as a manager in the financial services department. He also spent a year in the Deloitte East Africa office in Nairobi. Upon his return to South Africa, he was promoted to Senior Audit Manager. Mhlengi is currently the CFO of Standard Insurance Limited, where he leads the Finance and Value Management function for Standard Insurance Limited. He is also accountable for the development and execution of the Finance and Value Management strategy leading a team of 21 finance professionals.