Bongi Ngoma CA(SA)
Bongi Ngoma CA(SA), is a steward leader and a difference maker inspired by inherent agitation to impact the generational task by relentlessly leaning into the paradigm of service and levelling up in endeavours that enhance the course and quality of lives of others. A prospective visionary who is steadfast at the edges of the present and aims at what is next with intentionality to breaking the status quo created by yesterday’s accomplishment to be able to tap into tomorrow’s possibility and influence the future by making changes today. She is an excellence enthusiast in relentless pursuit of exceeding the standards which has exponentially expanded her capacity as a growth catalyst nudging her to build the capabilities of others. The blueprint of her leadership can best be described by the axiom “lift as you rise” which she says she has witnessed to have a snowball effect not just on the recipient of the empowerment and upliftment but the magnitude of impact it has even on future generations. Bongi is fully persuaded that when you lift someone you don’t only impact that person, but you impact generations that will cross paths with that person. You make a difference and impact in people you will never meet.