Exemption from being under a SAICA Training Contract
Recognition of Prior Learning (Training Equivalence Assessment)
SAICA is an accounting professional body recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), and has a responsibility to comply with SAQA’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy which requires professional bodies to include an RPL route as an alternative for the attainment of a professional designation.
SAICA does recognise that aspiring CA’s or AGA’s may not have had an opportunity to develop their professional competence through the SAICA accredited training programme route but as result of experience gained through the workplace (not accredited by SAICA), have developed competencies that are substantively comparable and or equivalent to those required at the entry point to the CA or AGA profession.
As necessary, SAICA provides for an alternative pathway for the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) within the context of the National qualifications Frameworks (NQF) Act 67 of 2008 as amended. SAICA’s RPL process is based on practical experience, where candidates demonstrate their competence through a written assessment against competencies that are developed in SAICA’s training programme. The evaluation of this practical experience is referred as the Training Equivalence Assessment (TEA).
Purpose of Training Equivalence Assessment
The purpose of the assessment is to enable Candidates to demonstrate that, as a result of learning through work experience, they have developed the competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and behaviours) that are substantially equivalent to those prescribed for the SAICA-accredited Training Programme.
- Auditing and Assurance Competencies
- Financial Management and Management Decision-Making Competencies
- Risk Management and Governance
- Taxation