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Accounting Technician AT(SA)
Accounting Technician AT(SA) qualifications

Accounting Technician AT(SA) qualifications

AT(SA) offers a diverse range of practical, accounting and finance qualifications as well as professional memberships aimed at finance and accounting staff from entry level to senior executive level.

The qualification is designed to take you on a progressive pathway, from a foundational level through to an advanced level of accounting knowledge, skills and competencies. AT(SA) is registered with SAQA and all the qualifications meet both NQF and Learnership requirements.

  • A solid foundation in accounting, finance and business skills
  • Helps improve career progression and employability
  • Promotes high standards of professionalism and integrity
  • Delivers competent work-ready graduates
  • Boosts employee confidence and technical ability
  • Provides recognition and belonging

Why Choose AT(SA) qualification

A Practical, Flexible, Ready To Work Approach
Unlike other rigid qualifications and professional memberships, AT(SA) works around your time, offering you flexible modes of learning and examination. The training combines accounting theory with real-world practical experience enabling you to practically apply newly acquired skills in your own work environment.

Gain Credibility at Work
AT(SA) is the right choice if you want to have a credible, recognisable qualification and membership. It offers you practical, useable skills to carve out a sustainable career. The work-based learning approach enables employees to apply their skills, making their contribution invaluable.

A Clear, Progressive Career Path
AT(SA) puts you in control of your career progression. You can work and study at the same time, allowing you to qualify at your own pace. Through this progressive approach, you develop skills along the way that will significantly improve your employment prospects.

A Wider Scope of Roles and Positions
The qualification and membership provides you with the professional freedom to execute and occupy a wide range of roles from entry-level finance positions such as bookkeeper to managing more complex tasks such as preparing financial reports.

Accredited and Recognised by Employers
The AT(SA) qualification is recognised by employers and the profession for its quality, rigour and practical approach.

AT(SA) Qualifications Fact sheets