General FAQsExamsQ1. I need a copy of my examination transcriptsQ2: I have passed my exam, I need a letter for employment purposesQ3. I have not received my admission letterFinanceQ4: My company sent a replacement attendee in my place, how do I transfer the invoice into their name?Q5. I did not attend a seminar, am I still liable?Q6. How do I request a refund?Q7. If I did not receive my invoice/statement as the incorrect details were on the SAICA system am I still liable for the penalty?Q8. If my company paid my subscription fee late, am I still liable for the penalty?Q9. When is the penalty levied and how is the penalty calculated?Q10. I have made payment but my statement still reflects an amount owing, how do I rectify that?Q11. I have received my statement but I am unsure as to what the invoice is for, what do I do?Q12. I have not received my invoice/statement, how do I go about requesting a copy?Ethics and DisciplineQ13. Whom do you contact for more information?Q14. Where can I get information about the Institute's complaints procedure and disciplinary process?Q15. Is the Institute's complaints procedure and disciplinary process fair and transparent?Q16. What is the role of the Project Director: Legal and Discipline?Q17. Can an accused be represented in a disciplinary hearing at the DC?Q18. Can an accused be represented in a disciplinary hearing at the PCC?Q19. Can a conviction or sentence be appealed?Q20. What happens if a member is found guilty of an offence?Q21. How is the complaint dealt with?Q22. How to lodge a complaintQ23. What is meant by the joint disciplinary process between SAICA and the IRBA?Q24. What if a member is both a Chartered Accountant South Africa (CA(SA) and a Registered Auditor (RA)?Q25. What can you complain about?Q26. Who can you complain about?