Tax Administration Act (TAA) Sub-committee

Closing date

31 Jul 2024


The SAICA National Tax Committee (NTC) is the official National Standards Advisory Committee regarding any and all tax matters with a potential impact on SAICA’s members and the profession and also assists the SAICA ManCo in the fulfilment of its functions in respect of the SAICA Board approved strategy.

The NTC’s primary role is to co-ordinate and enhance, subject to the public interest, the national and international interests of SAICA’s members and the profession in the field of taxation. In fulfilling this role, the NTC is responsible for commenting on and providing the final position on proposed changes in tax legislation, guides and interpretation. In performing its functions as set out in its Terms of Reference, the NTC may create various subcommittees with appropriate experience in a specialist field of taxation. Vacancies occur within SAICA advisory groups or its subcommittees due to new taxes being introduced or the rotation of members as a result of the expiration of their involvement period as set out in the Terms of Reference or other circumstances.

Unlike the NTC, NTC subcommittees are open to all subject matter specialists from any profession or designation and is not restricted to SAICA members. In this regard, SAICA is calling for applications to the Tax Administration Act (TAA) Sub-committee, which is a working committee of the NTC.