Legal and Policy
2024 Legal and Policy

Legal and Policy - 25 July 2024



  • 18 July 2024 – Customs and Excise Act, 1964: The tariff amendments notices, scheduled for publication in the Government Gazette, relate to the amendments to –
  • Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the substitution of tariff subheadings 1001.91 and 1001.99 as well as 1101.00.10, 1101.00.20, 1101.00.30 and 1101.00.90, to increase the rate of customs duty on wheat and wheaten flour from free of duty to 17,63c/kg and 26,45c/kg to respectively, in terms of the existing variable tariff formula (ITAC Minute M02/2024);
  • Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the substitution of tariff subheadings 1701.12, 1701.13, 1701.14, 1701.91, and 1701.99, to reduce the rate of customs duty on sugar from 140.91c/kg to 109.36c/kg in terms of the existing variable tariff formula (ITAC Minute 01/2024); and
  • Part 1 of Schedule No. 1 by the substitution of tariff subheadings 8507.10.91 and 8507.10.99 in order to increase the rate of customs duty on lead acid batteries from 15% to 30% (ITAC Report 702).

Publication details will be made available later

  • 18 July 2024 – As part of our commitment to provide taxpayers and traders with clarity and certainty and making it easy for them to comply with and fulfil their tax obligations, we are bringing you a monthly digital column, see the Monthly Tax Digest – July 2024 issue.
  • 18 July 2024 – The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (SARS) Mr Edward Kieswetter said that “he condemns in the strongest possible terms, the attempted assassination of Advocate Coreth Naude. This shocking act is intended to intimidate officers of the court to abandon the vital work they are performing in furtherance of our country’s legal system. It undermines the authority of the State. Acts such as these and those who perpetrate it, must be resisted and defeated by all of us working together for the betterment of our country and ensuring that none are above the law. SARS calls on our law enforcement agencies to act with speed in pursuing and arresting those who attempted to take the life of Advocate Naude. SARS wishes Advocate Naude a speedy recovery and wishes her family well. We will not be intimidated by such acts of crime and cowardice.”

For further information, please contact SARSMedia@sars.gov.za.

  • 22 July 2024 – The state provides state warehouses for the safekeeping of goods. These are managed by Customs. The purpose of this list of unentered goods is to notify the importer, exporter and any other person that has interest in the goods that the goods have been taken up into the State warehouse and if they remain unentered they will be disposed in accordance with the provisions of the Customs & Excise Act.

See the latest Customs Weekly List of Unentered Goods here.

  • 24 July 2024 – The Springs branch is closed for the remainder of the day due to unforeseen water issues. All virtual appointments will still be honoured. Physical appointments will be rescheduled as far as possible. Our apologies for the inconvenience.




AuthorLegal and Policy
Legal and Policy
Date25 July 2024