List of banks that have entered into banking arrangements with the LPFF in terms of section 63(1)(g) of the Legal Practice Act (LPA)


The remaining chapters of the Legal Practice Act, No. 28 of 2014 (LPA) came into effect on 1 November 2018, and Legal Practitioners and all relevant stakeholders are reminded that trust accounts that are kept in terms of section 86 of the LPA must be held at a bank that has entered into a banking arrangement with the Legal Practitioners’ Fidelity Fund (LPFF) in terms of section 63(1)(g). This communication serves to inform stakeholders of the banks that have entered into banking arrangements with the LPFF in terms of section 63(1)(g) of the LPA.
AuthorLegal Practitioners Fidelity Fund
DivisionAudit and Assurance
list of banks
Audit of Legal Practitioners’ Trust Accounts
Audit of Legal Practitioners’ Trust Accounts
Date25 May 2022