17 February 2023

Ms Yakhe Kwinana’s disciplinary hearing resumes on Monday 20 February 2023

Johannesburg, 17 February 2023 – The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants’ (SAICA) By-laws Paragraph 17 of Appendix 4, permit the issuing of public statements by the SAICA Chief Executive Officer regarding the institution of any complaint or investigation or action against a member once a draft charge sheet or a charge sheet has been issued to such member and such matter, complaint, investigation, or action is, in the opinion of the CEO, in the public interest.

SAICA hereby informs stakeholders and the public, following a period of extensive investigation, that 13 charges of misconduct have been proffered against Ms Yakhe Kwinana.

Read the charge sheet on the SAICA website. Note that the charge sheet on the website does not include the detail of each charge, it only includes the by-laws that have been allegedly contravened. The detail of each charge is privileged information, although the disciplinary hearing is open to the public.

The Disciplinary Committee first convened for the consideration of Ms Kwinana’s matter on 26th October 2022 and the hearing will resume as follows:

Date: 20 February 2023 until 3 March 2023 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays in this period)

Daily time: 09:00 – 16:30

Place: Level 2, Multifunction Room, Offices of ENSafrica, The MARC Tower 1, 129 Rivonia Road, Sandton.

Directions to the venue are available on the website. Members of the public and the media should note that there will be security checks at the venue and are therefore encouraged to arrive early and be seated in the venue at 9:00. Late arrivals may not be accommodated in the venue.

Freeman Nomvalo, SAICA’s CEO, says: “SAICA deals with all allegations against its members without fear or favour. SAICA is committed to ensuring that members operate in the public interest by taking the necessary steps to ensure a fair and equitable outcome of its disciplinary processes. This step confirms SAICA’s commitment to holding all its members accountable as well as an unwavering focus on serving the public interest which is the foundation of the chartered accountancy profession.”

More information on SAICA’s Code of Professional Conduct, the By-laws, and the disciplinary processes can be found on the SAICA website.


The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), South Africa’s pre-eminent accountancy body, is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading accounting institutes. The Institute provides a wide range of support services to more than 50 000 members and associates who are chartered accountants (CAs[SA]), as well as associate general accountants (AGAs[SA]) and accounting technicians (ATs[SA]), who hold positions as CEOs, MDs, board directors, business owners, chief financial officers, auditors and leaders in every sphere of commerce and industry, and who play a significant role in the nation’s highly dynamic business sector and economic development.

Chartered Accountants are highly valued for their versatile skill set and creative lateral thinking, that's why all of the top 100 Global Brands employ Chartered Accountants.

SAICA is a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), a global family that connects over 1,8 million fellow Chartered Accountants and students in more than 190 countries. Together, we support, develop, and promote the role of Chartered Accountants as trusted business leaders, difference-makers, and advisers.

SAICA Media Contacts

Kgauhelo Dioka, ***@saica.co.za

Project Manager: Communications

SAICA Brand Division

Renette Human, ***@saica.co.za

Project Director: Communications

SAICA Brand Division