25 August 2023

A consolidated 81% pass rate for SAICA’s 2023 ITC exams

Johannesburg, Friday 25 August 2023 – With the release of results for the second sitting of the 2023 Initial Test of Competence (ITC), the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) congratulates the 470 candidates who passed. These candidates join the 2 279 candidates who passed the January 2023 sitting to bring the total number of successful candidates for the 2023 ITC to 2 749. Thus bringing the consolidated pass rate for 2023 to 81%.

To pass the ITC, candidates must achieve an overall pass mark of 50% and a minimum of 40% in at least three of the four professional papers. Of the 1 164 candidates who sat for the second sitting of this year’s ITC, 470 (40%) achieved this goal. SAICA acknowledges the candidates who not only achieved this goal but excelled, with 2 candidates achieving 75% or more in the June 2023 ITC, therefore, achieving a pass with honours thanks to their exceptional performance. These candidates are Jaco Fourie and Rebecca Lapin.

SAICA’s analysis of the June 2023 results reveals that 82% of the first-time candidates passed while only 36% of the repeat candidates passed which is consistent with previous years. It can be concluded that candidates achieve better results in their first attempt, therefore, SAICA and its partners need to focus more on the support that can be provided to repeat candidates.

A further analysis of the results reveals that 248 African and 34 Coloured candidates passed the June sitting, joining the 1 021 African and 134 Coloured candidates who passed in the January sitting, giving a total of 1 269 African and 168 Coloured candidates who passed this year’s ITC.

In addition, the results reveal, amongst others, the following areas of focus for the profession – particularly as they pertain to the profession’s transformation objectives:

1. The lingering effects of COVID-19 on education outcomes

The recent years have been turbulent for higher education as the COVID-19 pandemic shifted teaching and learning methodologies to a hybrid model and many institutions and their students are still adjusting these teaching and learning methodologies.

2. Distance education providers must continue to be a focus point

A large percentage of African candidates complete their studies via accredited distance academic providers and these providers have a significant contribution to make for the profession to achieve its transformation objectives. As such, it is necessary for some of these institutions to continuously reflect on the efficacy of their programmes and strengthen them accordingly if they are to improve their pass rates. SAICA continues to engage with the affected universities to help them improve their successes.

3. The effect of pipeline challenges in the education system

It is well documented that there are challenges in the basic education system, especially the low number of learners who take mathematics and subsequently those who pass mathematics with the requisite minimum of 60% for entry into a CA-stream Bachelor of Commerce degree.

“As a scarce-skills profession, we are competing for a share of an ever-shrinking pipeline,” explains Nomvalo. “While the percentage intake of aspiring CAs(SA) at a university level has remained fairly stable over the past few years, the fact remains that fewer learners are coming into the system as a direct result of issues within the education pipeline.”

Congratulations to the June 2023 candidates

“I would like to acknowledge all those candidates who wrote the ITC and extend a special note of congratulations to those who passed this second sitting – particularly as many have had to overcome significant challenges. I trust these candidates will hold themselves to the same high standards of excellence as they progress towards their final qualifying exam, the Assessment of Professional Competence. To those who were unsuccessful in this sitting, I encourage you to continue to work hard and not to give up. As prospective CAs(SA), you have several opportunities to pass this exam and there are support programmes available to assist you,” concludes Nomvalo.

The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
(SAICA), South Africa’s pre-eminent accountancy body, is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading accounting institutes. The Institute provides a wide range of support services to more than 50 000 members and associates who are chartered accountants (CAs[SA]), as well as associate general accountants (AGAs[SA]) and accounting technicians (ATs[SA]), who hold positions as CEOs, MDs, board directors, business owners, chief financial officers, auditors and leaders in every sphere of commerce and industry, and who play a significant role in the nation’s highly dynamic business sector and economic development.

Chartered Accountants are highly valued for their versatile skill set and creative lateral thinking, that's why all of the top 100 Global Brands employ Chartered Accountants.

SAICA is a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), a global family that connects over 1,8 million fellow Chartered Accountants and students in more than 190 countries. Together, we support, develop, and promote the role of Chartered Accountants as trusted business leaders, difference-makers, and advisers.

SAICA Media Contacts
Kgauhelo Dioka, ***@saica.co.za
Project Manager: Communications
SAICA Brand Division

Renette Human, ***@saica.co.za
Project Director: Communications
SAICA Brand Division