Renshia van Noordwyk

Renshia is a partner in PwC's Accounting Consulting Services division and has extensive experience specialising in IFRS. She plays a key role in advising various listed companies through technical consultations and in embedding IFRS into their businesses. She is also an accredited IFRS Advisor with the JSE.

Her experience span several industries and topics which include:

• Financial instruments ( IFRS 9, IFRS 7)

• Leases (IFRS 16)

• Share-based payments, including BEE deals (IFRS 2)

• Control (IFRS 10)

• Business Combinations (IFRS 3) and disposals (IFRS 5)

Renshia’s current industry focus is the Energy, Utilities and Mining Industry.

Personal Interests

• Reading

• Camping

• Hiking