The Financial Intelligence Centre

The Financial Intelligence Act has been effective from 3 December 2001 which directed the establishment of the Centre. The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) was subsequently established in 2003 as the national centre for the gathering and analysis of financial data. FIC in response to recommendations made by FATF has amended the FIC Act.

The Minister of Finance amended Schedules 1, 2 and 3 to the FIC Act with effect from 19 December 2022. The amendments were done in terms of sections 73,75 and 76 of the FIC Act which gives the minister power to amend the list of accountable institutions, the list of supervisory bodies and the list of reporting institutions, respectively.

Schedule 1 to the FIC Act has been amended, whereby accountable institutions, have been included to bring in new categories of businesses. Certain items have been amended to either widen current items or cater for technical amendments. All reporting institutions listed in Schedule 3 of the FIC Act have been deleted.

The FIC is responsible for providing guidance and training relating to the FIC Act.

Document Organisation Topics address Date Issued
The FIC Guidance Note 7AFIC

The FIC Guidance Note covers the following

  • Adoption of a Risk-Based Approach
  • Risk Assessment and Understanding of Risk
  • Risk mitigation
  • Customer due diligence measures
  • Recordkeeping
  • Implementation of the UNSC resolutions relating to the freezing of assets
SAICA comment letter: The FIC Draft Sector Risk Assessment SAICA SAICA submitted its context based comments to FIC to ensure the SRA is practical and implementable while seeking to continue collaborating with the FIC 23 November 2023
The FIC Final PCC 6A FICGuidance for accountants on who meets the definition of accountable institutions and who needs to register with the FIC
FATF June 2023 meeting outcomesFATFJune 2023 meeting outcome26 June 2023
Summary of FIC guidance and consideration when classified as an Accountable InstitutionSAICASAICA prepared a summary of FIC guidance and other considerations, including compliance obligations and guidance to assist in advising clients2 May 2023
Amendment of Schedule 1, 2 and 3 of the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) Act National Treasury
  • Schedule 1: List of Accountable Institutions
  • Schedule 2: List of Supervisory Bodies
  • Schedule 3: List of Reporting Institutions
29 November 2022
Frequently asked questions on Schedule amendments Financial Intelligence Centre
  • FAQs dealing with why the changes were made and how the changes will impact money laundering
Reference Guide for all Accountable Institutions Financial Intelligence Centre
  • What is the Financial Intelligence Centre
  • What is money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing
  • Amendments to the FIC Schedules
  • Obligations for Accountable Institutions
  • How do Accountable Institutions Register with the FIC
  • What is Risk-Based Approach, Risk Assessment and Compliance Programme
  • Customer due-diligence
  • Politically exposed persons
  • Target Financial Sanctions
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Regulatory Reports submitted to the FIC
  • Guidance issued by FIC
15 December 2022
International Funds Transfer Reports User Guide Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Steps to be followed when an Accountable Institution submits an International Fund Transfer Report (IFTR)
February 2023
Draft Public Compliance Communication 6A – Guidance on Trust and Company Service Providers for the purpose of Schedule 1 on the FICA Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Definition of Trust and Company Service Providers
15 December 2023
Guidance note 7 Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Implementation of various aspect of FIC
2 October 2017
Guidance on Registration with the FIC Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Why, when and how to Register with the FIC
Guidance on submission of Regulatory Reports to the FIC Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Cash threshold reports (CTR)
  • Suspicious and unusual transaction reports
  • Terrorist property reports (TPR)
Guidance on Implementation of a Risk-based approach Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Customer due diligence
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Additional requirements when dealing with corporate clients
  • Identifying politically exposed persons
Guidance on development of a Risk Management and Compliance Programme (RMCP) Financial Intelligence Centre
  • What is a RMCP
  • Who must have RMCP
  • Why is RMCP necessary
  • How does a RMCP work
Guidance on Record keeping Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Record keeping
Guidance on appointing person responsible for compliance Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Appointment of Compliance Officer
Guidance on training employees on FIC compliance Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Tools available to train employees on compliance with FIC
Directive 6 of 2023 - Submission of a risk and compliance return to the Financial Intelligence Centre by by specified accountable institutions that are designated non-financial businesses and professions Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Designated non-financial businesses and professions listed in Schedule 1 to the FIC Act must submit informaiton regarding their understanding of money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing to the FIC by 31 May 2023
31 March 2023
Directive 7 of 2023 - Submission of a risk and compliance return to the Financial Intelligence Centre by by specified accountable institutions Financial Intelligence Centre
  • Accountable institution listed in items 11, 14, 20, 21 and 22 of Schedule 1 to the FIC Act must submit information regarding their understanding of money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing to the FIC by 31 July 2023
31 March 2023
Directive 8 - Screening of employees for competence and integirty and scrutinising if employee informaiton against applicable targeted financial sanctions lists as a money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferaton financing control measure Financial Intelligence Centre
  • This Directive is to require accountable institutions to screen prospective employees and current employees for competence and integrity, as well as to scrutinise
    employee information against the targeted financial sanctions lists, in order to identify, assess, monitor, mitigate and manage the risk of money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing
31 March 2023